Well, once I rolled Sleeping Beauty out of bed, the next battle rang loud with her continued feelings of disgust as I tried to make her sack lunch that included the (obviously evil) bread with the "seeds" (aka whole grain.) I followed a friend's advice and these seeds became "magical" seeds that might give her superhuman powers that no other child in her class could possibly have. She's not some dummy. Plan failed and I gave in with a sandwich made from whole wheat. I have to find a sneakier way to get this healthy option into her lunch bag... I will win this battle!... Well, eventually :)
So, now that Princess Patootie Butt is at school, I come to the realization that not only do we have another (roughly) 170 days of this morning tug-of-war, but I really need to step up my game and get a little creative with my attack plan (which is sooo hard since I'm just as grumpy in the morning and I would love nothing more than to throw the covers over my head as well.)
As Mommy & Wild Child take to their sparring stances- we will simply see as to who will come out the victor in this crazy game called life! Wish me luck!
Sheesh... sooo glad I don't have to deal with that!
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