Alas, your dark warmth no longer provides comfort. The taste is still there but the fire has depleted. I must leave you for another- one whose aroma will never be your equal; yet, one whose refreshingly-crisp, caffeinated charge ensnares my senses and calls to me with a strong voice while you only whisper.
Morning Coffee, it is time that I introduce you to your replacement... Red Bull. I realize that all we've been through, I will still reach out for you in the after-dinner, evening hours. However, your presence will no longer be requested in those wee hours when you can hear the cock crow. You have fallen short, my old friend, and as hard as it is to say goodbye... we all must move on to follow our own destinies...
For me - espresso.
Awe. . . So well written (and makes me giggle), but my heart is heavy for the abandonment of coffee in your morning. Sigh. ;)
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